Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Almost Home

Its crazy to think that in 48 hours I will be on a plane to Toronto. At the same time it is very exhilarating! I am very excited to go home and see everyone. I definitely feel like I need the break from things. All of our homework was due this morning so now I have nothing to do really. Our things are packed up and moved out of the rooms so that they can be thoroughly cleaned tomorrow during work day. Basically all I have left at the school is workday, moving into new rooms, unpacking, Christmas banquet, then the next morning i get up nice and early and head home. A full day of travelling, I am going to be very tired when I get home. And it will all be fun with a little added jet lag to go along with it :( Not exactly looking forward to that part, but at least I'll get to sleep in and hang out with friends and family. Very much looking forward to it. My friend and I can't wait, we think it's crazy that it's actually here already. I does seem weird to go home, only because I feel like I've been waiting for it for so long. Now that it's here and I know it's gonna happen it almost doesn't seem real. But none the less in about 50 hours I will be comfortably in my own home and in my own bed. It will be an adjustment not having 20 other girls around and not waking up with other people in the same room. But it will be a good change for a while. 

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