Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back at School

I just realized that it's been a while since I posted anything so here goes. Everything has been good at the school since I've been here. Lectures, for the most part, are very interesting. I like the apologetics course the most, it's very interesting. Everything is really busy right now. In a few weeks we're all going on an outreach week (small groups to different places). Im going to a placed called Habo about 2 hours away from here with a group of 7 other girls including the leader. We'll be doing things like English classes, confirmation groups, youth groups, and hanging out with the kids. So we have been having meetings twice a week for that. On top of that there is also the homework, which isn't too bad but im still trying to keep on top of it. Last week I had a photoshoot with one of the girls, so we could get a picture for the yearbook. It was a ton of fun and they all turned out really well! Also I got Tim Hortons coffee on Sunday night! :) My RA, who is also in my family group, got some of it sent here for Christmas. Not having it for a while makes me very thankful for it and realizing how good it really is. Even the germans, americans and swedish people liked it! I've been having fun. Miss home and such a ton, but still having fun out here. We've been having more and more days with sun and blue skies! It is very exciting cause our winter consisted of hardly any sunshine, grey cloudy skies, and hardly any snow. Now that the days are getting longer, the sun is coming out makes me very excited for spring. 

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